07 Jun How To Create a Dynamic Talk Show Set
If you want to start a talk show, you need a concept that will hook viewers and hosts that can provide entertainment, but another important factor includes the set design of a talk show. Think of your favorite talk shows and dynamic sets will come to mind. A talk show set is like an extra character on the show and can help build the show’s personality.
As you work with production companies on talk show productions, learn how to create a dynamic set and what elements can help make your talk show come alive. Use these elements to mix with your own creative input and truly create a stand-out visual product for whatever platform you plan to air the talk show on.
1. An Exterior Background
If you watch any of the main daytime or late night talk shows, you will notice a lot of the backgrounds rely on projected images of the outdoors. A talk show studio is essentially a box, but viewers can enjoy a lot more visuals when the background features exterior projections.
Consider a background that reflects the city you film in. For example, if you film in the city of Chicago, then you may decide to use a background of the Chicago skyline. A projected background may include slight animations that help add depth to the shots but don’t create an major visual distraction.
When you select an exterior background, you also want to consider when your talk show will air. If you plan a daytime talk show, then you will want to have a daytime backdrop that features the bright sun and vivid colors. If you have a late night talk show, then you will want to feature a starry night with bright city light designs.
A projected background or LED screen image will look more realistic than using a green screen for a background that you replace at a later time.
Along with an exterior projection, you could rely on set pieces to add more depth to the projection. For example, you could add fake windows in front of the projected image to make the background seem more realistic.
2. Quick-Change Furniture Options
For each segment of your talk show, you have the opportunity to work in different set designs. For example, during an opening segment, you could rely on higher chairs for you and the hosts. When a guest comes out, you may want to switch to a more comfortable seating situation like a couch.
Consider lightweight and quick change furniture options to easily assemble a set and create changes between segments. You may find furniture that rolls in on wheels and then can lock into place once in its proper position.
Create multiple furniture options and have them fully organized to make the transition process go a lot smoother. The changes in furniture also provide a different visual for guests who watch at home. You can supply them with different visuals and new positions for the hosts to sit in.
3. Small Accessories
The little elements on a talk show set can really make a difference in the dynamic visuals for viewers. For example, you could add fake planters in the background of a set for depth and visual stimulation. If your hosts sit at the table or desk, then you should add small pieces of decor to liven up the area.
For another example, you could add branded coffee mugs to the desk. You could add vintage decors like a vintage microphone or a typewriter. Consider the theme of the talk show and ways to transform the desk with designs and themes.
In some cases, you could create compelling visuals with the use of changing decor. For example, you could change to a different mug for each new episode of the talk show you tape. The visual changes will create a new dynamic view each time you record an episode and creates a fun element for viewers to track.
4. Professional Lighting Design
If you want the visuals of your talk show to stand out, then consider a professional lighting design. Lighting professionals can add depth to the shots, eliminate harsh shadows, and duplicate the professional look that many other talk shows can create.
Lighting design can also add a number of specialty lights to a production. For example, you could add flashing colored lights to a set design. You could have specialty lights used for the intro of a show or for special segments. A change in the lighting dynamic will help create unique visuals and make different elements of the talk show stand out.
Use our services at Big Shoulders Digital Video Productions to help create your talk show set. We have a lot of different set options and can provide with a space that creates a dynamic set and compelling visuals to really help your talk show stand out.
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